
交換禮物推薦-電玩 遊戲-Madden NFL 13-PSV美版代購

交換禮物推薦-電玩 遊戲

勁爆美式足球13發售日期:2012/8/28注意:封面包裝為參考封面,請以實際以出貨為準! 此商品為美國代購商品,採「代客訂購」服務!須從美國訂購來台,因此需要等待一段時間,到貨最快時間5天,正常為10天左右到貨,若遇上美國或台灣假期或是海關驗貨則可能再延期一些到貨時間!(實際以班機到台時間為準)PS Vita 遊戲是沒有分區的,因此不論哪個國家的規格,皆可遊玩!本銷售服務是專門針對台灣不容易買到美規遊戲,所做的代購服務!訂購之後請勿隨意取消訂單若商品已送達您手中,對該商品不滿意,遊戲軟體請勿拆封外包裝!若您無法等待商品到貨時間,請勿下單購買! All-New Commentary - Every game has the feel of a nationally televised broadcast with CBS Sports commentators Jim Nantz and Phil Simms calling the action from the booth. Take Your Game Online - Battle opponents head-to-head over Wi-Fi, working your way up the leaderboards with every victory. Authentic Franchise Mode - Build the next great dynasty with the most robust Franchise Mode ever created on a handheld device includes expanded rosters, pre-season cut days, an updated rookie scouting system, a free-agent bidding system, player roles, in-season hot and cold streaks, and much more. Become a Superstar - Create an NFL Superstar and guide his career from pre-draft workout all the way to the Hall of Fame. Control the growth of your superstar with an updated progression system that allows you to earn skill points during practice and in games. Brand new position-specific coordinator audio coaches your growth on-field as an NFL player. Only on Vita - The Vita’s front and rear touch screens provide an unprecedented amount of control and feature depth, from drawing hot routes to swatting passes and stripping the ball. Use the motion sensor function to control direction when kicking field goals.
Madden NFL 13-PSV美版代購


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